Redfin Pickerel Fishing Guide

redfin pickerel habitat map

Redfin pickerel aren’t well known among most freshwater anglers, and there are some major reasons why. Most state records are measured in ounces, not even hitting the full one pound mark, and even the world record redfin pickerel is a size that few bass anglers or pike anglers would be impressed by. If you’re looking …

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State Redfin Pickerel Records: Complete State Guide

Redfin Pickerel

Redfin pickerel are very small fish, among the smallest in the pickerel family with only the other American Pickerel, the grass pickerel, comparing in their diminutive size. While muskies, tiger muskies, and northern pike are on the heavy side of the Esox family, the redfin pickerel is on the far other side. One of two …

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How Big Do Redfin Pickerel Get?

big group redfin pickerel

Redfin pickerel don’t often get the love or attention of their larger cousins in the Esox family. That said, whether you know them by their formal name, or know redfins by their other names like mud pike, southern pike, little pike, little pickerel, red pike, or even jacks in some very rural parts of the …

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Can You Eat Redfin Pickerel?

Redfin Pickerel

Redfin pickerel, often referred to as redfin pike in the Southern state where they are most commonly found, are one of the smallest members of the pike family. Although they are aggressive pound for, um, well ounce for ounce, these fish don’t have a reputation for becoming monsters. Because of that they are often overlooked …

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How Fast Do Chain Pickerel Grow?

chain pickerel in water

The similar looking but smaller cousin to the northern pike is known in areas for being a fierce fighter and offering some tasty fillets for anglers who know how to work around the bones to get some clean boneless cuts. One of two sub-species often grouped together as “American Pickerel,” the chain pickerel can offer …

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How Big Do Chain Pickerel Get?

chain pickerel in water

Chain pickerel, cousin to the northern pike and the other Esox most likely to get mistaken for their larger pike cousin, is a fairly popular game fish that is found in some of the same waters as pike and muskies but also has an extensive Southern range that makes it far more common than pike …

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How Big Do Grass Pickerel Get?

3 sizes grass pickerel

Grass pickerel aren’t mentioned often by anglers and there’s a pretty obvious reason for this. The smaller of the two “American Pickerel,” the grass pickerel is the runt of the pike family and the smallest member by quite a bit. Adult grass pickerel rarely get longer than 11.8 to 12.0 inches in length, and will …

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How Long Does a Pickerel Live?

chain pickerel fish

Pickerel don’t just get the shorter end of the stick when it comes to size in the Esox family, which also includes bigger cousins like the northern pike and muskellunge. But Chain pickerel live a total of 7-9 years on average. Only the absolute oldest (and largest) pickerel live past 9 years. Grass pickerel only …

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